Contronyms: Words That Mean the Opposite of Themselves

The English language is a fascinating tapestry woven with quirks and contradictions. Among these are contronyms, or auto-antonyms, words that contain opposite meanings depending on their context. Here are some lesser-known examples of these contradictory words:

1. Apology

  • Meaning 1: A statement of regret or sorrow for having wronged someone.
    • Example: “He offered an apology for his mistake.”
  • Meaning 2: A defence or justification of a belief or action.
    • Example: “The book is an apology for the author’s controversial views.”


  • Meaning 1: Supervision or careful management.
    • Example: “The project was completed under her meticulous oversight.”
  • Meaning 2: An unintentional failure to notice something.
    • Example: “The error in the report was due to an oversight.”

3. Bolt

  • Meaning 1: To secure or fasten.
    • Example: “He bolted the door before going to bed.”
  • Meaning 2: To run away suddenly.
    • Example: “The horse bolted from the stable.”

4. Fast

  • Meaning 1: Moving quickly.
    • Example: “The cheetah is a fast runner.”
  • Meaning 2: Fixed firmly in place.
    • Example: “The bolt was fast in the wall.”

5. Sanction

  • Meaning 1: To approve or authorise.
    • Example: “The committee sanctioned the new policy.”
  • Meaning 2: To penalise or punish.
    • Example: “The company was sanctioned for violating regulations.”

6. Temper

  • Meaning 1: To moderate or mitigate.
    • Example: “He tempered his criticism with praise.”
  • Meaning 2: To strengthen by heating and cooling.
    • Example: “The blacksmith tempered the steel to make it harder.”

7. Weather

  • Meaning 1: To withstand or endure.
    • Example: “The building weathered the storm without damage.”
  • Meaning 2: To wear away or change appearance due to exposure.
    • Example: “The paint on the fence has weathered over time.”

8. Buckle

  • Meaning 1: To fasten or secure.
    • Example: “She buckled her seatbelt before driving.”
  • Meaning 2: To bend or collapse under pressure.
    • Example: “The bridge buckled during the earthquake.”

9. Fine

  • Meaning 1: Of high quality.
    • Example: “He wore a suit made of fine wool.”
  • Meaning 2: A penalty or charge.
    • Example: “She had to pay a fine for parking illegally.”

10. Trip

  • Meaning 1: A journey or excursion.
    • Example: “They went on a trip to Europe.”
  • Meaning 2: To stumble or fall.
    • Example: “He tripped over the loose carpet.”

11. Screen

  • Meaning 1: To show or display.
    • Example: “The film was screened at the festival.”
  • Meaning 2: To hide or protect.
    • Example: “The hedge screens the garden from view.”

12. Left

  • Meaning 1: Departed from a place.
    • Example: “She left the party early.”
  • Meaning 2: Remaining or still there.
    • Example: “There are only a few cookies left.”

13. Bound

  • Meaning 1: Headed towards a specific direction.
    • Example: “The train is bound for New York.”
  • Meaning 2: Restricted or confined.
    • Example: “He felt bound by the contract.”

14. Garnish

  • Meaning 1: To add decoration or embellishment.
    • Example: “She garnished the dish with fresh herbs.”
  • Meaning 2: To seize money for debt payment.
    • Example: “His wages were garnished due to unpaid taxes.”

15. Dust

  • Meaning 1: To remove dust.
    • Example: “She dusted the shelves every week.”
  • Meaning 2: To apply a fine powder.
    • Example: “He dusted the cake with powdered sugar.”

Contronyms are a fascinating feature of the English language that highlight its complexity and richness. These words demonstrate how context can drastically change meaning. For ESL learners, understanding and mastering these words can be challenging but rewarding, as it deepens their appreciation of English’s intricacies. Recognizing contronyms not only improves language skills but also enhances one’s ability to navigate the quirks and flexibility of English.

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